Fair Statsborgerskab!

I was a board member of the non-profit association Fair Statsborgerskab! from March 2021 until March 2023. The association provides advice and guides people through the complicated process of applying for Danish citizenship. My interest in the area began a few years ago when I started to closely look into the application process and requirements for Danish citizenship, and realised what a difficult process it is to understand. I started following various Facebook groups such as ‘Dansk statsborgerskab – tĂ„lmodighed pĂ„krĂŠvet‘ which is run by volunteers of Fair Statsborgerskab! After I began to understand more of the rules, I wanted to be able to help others in understanding them.

Fair Statsborgerskab! is also a part of the public debate on Danish citizenship, and seeks to make the process more fair, and reasonable. For example, Fair Statsborgerskab! believes that it is unreasonable that children born and raised in Denmark to foreign parents must apply for citizenship under the same requirements as someone like myself who came to Denmark later in life – something I entirely agree with.

During my time in the board, my biggest achievement was updating the website of the association from a simple layout with very little information, to a more modern layout with up-to-date information on the association. I also introduced a “FAQ” page with frequently asked questions on obtaining Danish citizenship; however it is important to note that the majority of content was written by others – like I said, the rules are complex and even I struggle with the details a lot of the time.
I also had the honour of designing the association’s logo, incorporating Dannebrog (the Danish flag) into the design.